Are You Ready To GET ELEVATED?

Try our unique style of FULL-BODY SUSPENSION FITNESS exercises designed to ELEVATE YOUR STRENGTH, FLEXIBILITY, and BALANCE from the comfort of your home.

YOU'VE HEARD ABOUT IT, NOW TRY IT! Heather and Melissa

Heather and Melissa here. Years ago we discovered the many benefits suspension fitness training has to offer. We've developed our own style of suspension fitness exercises that combine strength building, flexibility and stretching. Our students love it and we can't wait to share it with you.

It's not about having the perfect physique. For us it's is more about working hard and achieving fitness goals with the support and encouragement of friends. Accomplishments are much better when shared. Don't you agree?

Come hang with us and GET ELEVATED!

Get Strong

Build upper body, core and grip strength using the leverage of the sling, gravity and suspension Suspension Strength Training

Get Supported

Experience passive backbends, forward bends, twists, side bends, hip openers and shoulder stretches with the support of the suspension system Suspension Fitness Training

Build Flexibility

Achieve deeper stretches and build flexibility through dozens of exercises while being fully or partially supported

Get Inverted

Inversion exercises place less strain on the back while relieving pain and tension through spinal decompression Suspension Fitness Training (inversion)